We begin by agreeing that as two “keepers of stories” we often find people sharing with us their private experiences, ones that they often do not share with others. Therefore, we are both in a confident position to make certain characterizations about aspects of the human project that many people have experienced, but few share “out loud.” Each of us identifies the core differences between what people have going on in their lives and what they wish to consciously present to others. We all do this. This conversation, hopefully, will provide the listener with some content to both normalize and challenge the judgment we feel for these thoughts, fantasies, and behaviors. We explore the general absence of healthy sex education beyond biology, including values and pleasure, and discuss how much shame, guilt, & ignorance on the subject matter of sexuality is rooted in the abundance of misinformation and anxiety preventing people from learning about their body, and their partner’s body. Christina discusses her personal history with the origin of her website confidentlovers.com, including how pornography played a part in her development. We further discuss how the consequences of the ubiquity of porn specifically how it has contributed to disrupting our imagination, sexual creativity, & spontaneity. Through listening you will learn that Christina is willing to have conversations that many people are not willing to have in her pursuit to help free people up from the cycle of shame and anxiety around sex and sexuality.